Bobsledding beside the Olympic bobsled runs and ski jumps
We were able to have a true Calgarian experience and go horse back riding with a real cowboy. Karl's friend Jeff took us out riding in the wild wild west!
Tinker Bell, had a big rump!
It was my dream to be able to go horseback riding in a field of cows, and pretend that I was a cowgirl, and my dream came true. I went running wild, in a field of cows!!!
Getting in a car crash
It was fantastic to see my relatives Ed and Bert, while at Karl's place. It is a small world!
Fun in the park
This is Karl's front yard practically, looking over Bow Valley
The morning fog
Thanks to Barb, we were able to go see Lake Louise. Thanks.
A bit cold
Lake Louise
There was this great path that wound around the lake. It was beautiful from all angels