Have you ever thought that there may be universal faces that everyone, no matter what nationality, where they are from, which world they grow up in, reconginze? I am officially done first year university (HALLELIUAH!!!!) and one thing that I will remember from first year Psych, is that there are universal emotions. What they all are, I don't remember, but they do exsists. In February, we had two Korean girls living with us for seven weeks. It was great and I do miss them and I just stumbled apon these pictures. We were just having some fun with the camera, and now looking back, this proves the point. There are universal emotions. If you havn't played this game with your friends, or your international friends, it is quite the fun. You just yell out an emotion and without thinking about it for very long, you take the picture. These were our results. Universal emotions? I think so.